Tuesday, December 30, 2008

day off

I took a swim day..  Swam 200 meters, not for time..  and i worked on my floating. 

I'm not typically a floater.. and by saying that.. i sink.  

But i worked on it for a while... kept a float for about 3-4 minutes at a time. 

So things are looking up so far.. i'm going back on friday for a weigh in. 


Monday, December 29, 2008

oh wow.. well... uhh ... i mean.. umm........

tonight tested me on my navy physical. . . everything but the 1.5 mile. 

I'm not ready. 

despite being the last to finish the wod,  I had a personal victory.  


sooo stoked about that.  I wonder if i could have gotten it sooner had I just tried it on the tall bar?  I guess I always felt a bit intimidated by it. 

Crossfit is very humbling.  I'm thankful for it. 


Saturday, December 27, 2008

post mortem

I hope everyone had a merry christmas.. I hope we all ate our fill.. but are ready to get back to business.  I know I am. 

It doesn't seem like it takes much for me to feel like i've had a set back.   Mirror-nomics isn't showing progress.. nor is scale-e-nomics. 

Have I hit a wall?  Or was it just knowing the holidays were going to wreak havoc on about 2 months of work?  I wouldn't go so far as to say that i'm back where I started, even though sometimes I feel like I am. 

I guess my schedule is all jacked up, and it's limited my own ideas of progress.  


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

more like the shitty 50

I felt like I handled everything but the burpies and wall ball...  

make me run 400s ... that'd be so much better than those 2.   Maybe I should do a lot of yoga.. i'm not very flexible which makes those harder. 

anyways..  I ended with a very respectable time of 47:47.  

I hope everyone has a merry christmas..  I'll see ya'll back monday after.. since I don't have to work, I'll probably be coming to the early classes and doing a little swimming in the afternoon.

I plan to go back to the navy recruiter sometime next week to check in and get my BMI remeasured.  I know I've made a lot of progress, but I just need to know what else I need to do to get this ball rolling.  i haven't dropped as much weight as they said i should have, but i've also gained quite a bit of muscle.  So I HOPE that shows up!

I'll be honest, sometimes during a crossfit exercise, I wonder if i'll be able to hack basic.  I don't really know what to expect, but if it's close to as punishing as crossfit has,  I might need to delay a few more months. 

But I did want to say I'm very thankful for both Evan and David for working with me and my shortfalls for getting me where I am.  I'm also very thankful for all of the support during the workouts that I've gotten from you guys when we're busting it. 

thanks for everything.. 

and Merry Christmas



Friday, December 19, 2008

owned and got owned..

I should really start waking up an hour prior to crossfit so i can get some breakfast in me... 

i felt i made some strides on my pullups.. 

david scaled me back a little on my WOD.. 

I did 30 push, 20 squats, 10 dips, and 15 singles on the jump rope for a time around 15: - i can't remember the seconds.

i got owned on the 2nd set, but i punished the 3rd set. 


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A successful failure

Front squats ..

well maybe it wasn't THAT many sets.. just felt like it. ha. 

I did: 135/155/165/195/190 (2x)

Success:  doing 195 lbs 3 times, after my last front squat *with poor BHS form* was 125. 

Failure:  I didn't finish the sets, and even had to drop back 5 pounds. 

Hurting: wrists.  

I was really looking forward to this wod because I feel strength is my strong point - maybe I just accelerated the weights a little too fast given my lack of wrist and shoulder mobility. 

I'll get there. 


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sumo's and the Push Press

Last night was a busy night.. all of which I'm impressed I'm still alive.  I was pushing it at work from 11:30 - 5 out in Southall (franklin).  I almost passed out on the van ride home, got in my truck zipped it home where I changed for crossfit. 

I wasn't really sure how I was going to manage doing any sort of workout especially after work yesterday, but this one seemed a little up my alley. 

I did 21,15,9 of Sumo Dead lifts and Push Presses with 81 lbs. I was pushing myself to beat 8:45ish .. and I came in at 8:13.  

After I caught my breath, I soon realized i only had 15 minutes to drive home, take a shower, and get over to a friends house so I could eat dinner with two of my marine buddies who just got into town. 

I was home, showered, and at my friends house in 15 minutes.   

I'm not sure which one i'm more impressed with.. the work out... or that lightning fast shower. 

am i supposing that crossfit has even made my shower taking endurance to the next level? 



Saturday, December 13, 2008

dang tires..

"Get tired" was aptly named ... I passed out in the middle of the tire when I finished. 


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ladder.. and the lack of mental toughness

did 2 rounds in 20:50..  Quad tightened up, but other than that it was good.  

I realized for the first time the lack of mental toughness I have when I worked on my PR for box jumps.  I had only worked on the 10" box prior to this, and I made a huge thud on the 36" box.  So I know I've got more in me - but I constantly psyche myself out prior to the jump. 

thanks to the jump rope, i'm having to work out 2 days in a row - but I don't think it's going to be nearly as bad as last week. 


Monday, December 8, 2008

Ain't nothin' better...

December 8 

I had a little personal victory last week on my finishing time - ..... i just got handled.. i mean.. humbled again by a 6 foot rope with two handles. 

strength training comes so easy for me.. 

and class.. what is the opposite of strength training? 

if you said laziness.. you get credit.. but my answer is cardio. 


Friday, December 5, 2008

deadlifts and burpies

Since November 1, 2008, I weighed in at the Naval Recruiting office at 244 lbs.  As of Today, I'm down to 233 lbs.  I'm good with a 10 pound loss, but I know that I need to continue to push myself harder and eat better because I'm still gassing myself on pushups.  

I did an alternating set of 10..9..8..'s of deadlifts and burpies tonight, and I pushed myself for under 20 minutes.   I beat my goal by 4 minutes for a time of 16:05.  This was probably my first sub - 20 minute time since I started crossfit.  

Come to think of it, I think I had a 9 minute workout when I started - but I doubt it was anything worth noting. 


Thursday, December 4, 2008

squat presses, box jumps and burpies..

Those absolutely SUCKED..  I started out with 65lbs on the bar, but it absolutely destroyed my wrist, so i went back to the bar.   Worked on the 10'' box jump and did those stupid burpies.  

I did the work out in 21:05.   I was shooting for 20 minutes, and just barely missed. 


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A time to start..

Just a little about Me.. 

My name is Chris Gunter, most people call me Gunter.   I am enlisting in the US Navy in a few months, and I'm using Crossfit to help me get back to my fit self before I leave for Basic.  I'm going in enlisted to be a photographer, with the hopes of being a combat photographer.  Once I get my traveling out of the way, I intend to go into OCS to begin my Intel Training. 

Enough about me.. I hope to be here every week noting my progress all the way up to basic as well as while I'm away. 
