Friday, December 5, 2008

deadlifts and burpies

Since November 1, 2008, I weighed in at the Naval Recruiting office at 244 lbs.  As of Today, I'm down to 233 lbs.  I'm good with a 10 pound loss, but I know that I need to continue to push myself harder and eat better because I'm still gassing myself on pushups.  

I did an alternating set of 10..9..8..'s of deadlifts and burpies tonight, and I pushed myself for under 20 minutes.   I beat my goal by 4 minutes for a time of 16:05.  This was probably my first sub - 20 minute time since I started crossfit.  

Come to think of it, I think I had a 9 minute workout when I started - but I doubt it was anything worth noting. 


1 comment:

Sea Monster said...

Outstanding...10lbs. thats WITH muscle gains.... very impressive! Now...if you continue at this pace you will survive Basic......If you want to excel, you need to eat a strictly weighed and measured zone for a good bit. Its only hard at the first. Lets talk about getting that diet dialed in soon.